Thursday 1 September 2011

Dizzy After Jogging? or, After Running A Marathon?

Feeling dizzy after a long jog? or, post a race or a marathon? You are not suffering from a mysterious ailment, the cause is rather simple and so is the remedy.

When you stop running abruptly, your hearts output starts to slowly return to normal. As this does not happen fast enough, blood pools in the lower extremities of your body causing the blood flow to the brain to temporarily reduce, leading to dizziness.

An appropriate post-run cool down routine, significantly reduces the incidence of feeling faint or dizzy. Inadequate hydration and carbohydrate intake can also lead to dizziness from energy depletion and dehydration.

Take care on both these counts and you are all set to run that extra mile.

The Nutrition Omnibus and A Fistful of Nutrition © Raksha Changappa

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Feeling dizzy after a marathon, Feeling dizzy after jogging, Sports nutritionist Bangalore, Sports nutrition for marathon runners